Termination of legal protection of a trademark due to non-use

Termination of legal protection of a trademark due to non-use

A trademark must be used in relation to those goods and services for which it is registered no later than three years from the date of registration of the trademark.

In the absence of use, any interested person has the right to apply to the court to terminate the legal protection of a trademark. The right holder must prove the use of the trademark, the interested person - the intention to use the trademark.

Applications are considered by the courts; the term is usually 3-5 months. We are ready to represent interests on any side of the dispute.

Cost of services:

  • legal analysis - from 10,000 ₸/hour
  • lawsuit support in the court of first instance - 300,000 ₸

State fees, postage, notary services, etc. (if necessary) are paid separately.

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