International Registration

International Registration

There are two ways to register trademarks abroad.

  1. Direct application procedure.

In accordance with the procedure, the application is filed with the patent office of the selected country. Filing is carried out through a patent attorney authorized to work in the respective country.

We are engaged in the selection of a patent attorney, the coordination of the cost of services, and conduct all correspondence on the procedure for registering of a trademark.

The state fees and cost of attorney services depends on the chosen country.

  1. Submission under the procedure of the Madrid Agreement and its Protocol.

In accordance with the procedure, the applicant, subject to filing with the national office, has the opportunity to file a uniform application for international trademark registration by selecting the required countries.

Application fees:

  • the fee of the national office;
  • the international fee is calculated in the special calculator on the website of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization and depends on the number of NCL classes in the application, selected countries, and type of designation.

The base fees are 653 and 903 Swiss francs for black and white and color symbols respectively, and then the calculation, as indicated above, depends on the amount of legal protection requested (number of classes of the Nice Classification) and the selected countries for trademark protection.

We provide full support within the process of the international application for registration of a trademark, maintain the correspondence on the application in all patent offices of the selected countries.

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