Brand Protection strategy development

Brand Protection strategy development

Any brand protection strategy should include customized and comprehensive solutions aimed at reduction of damages incurred through circulation of counterfeit goods, as well as at protection of the companies’ reputation while simultaneously maintaining the lowest possible costs for the program implementation and upkeep.

Our extended experience in the development of brand protection strategies suggests that every such program should include the following sections:

  1. THE RIGHT HOLDR’S BRAND PROTECTION PROGRAM, which involves development and implementation of mechanisms of identifying counterfeit goods that can be used by law enforcement.
  2. PROACTIVE SECTION, which involves informing the widest possible circle of law enforcement agencies about the problem of counterfeit circulation aimed at involving the said law enforcement in the process of detection of violations on the regular basis and informing of the right holder of such facts.
  • Search for and identification of places of storage of counterfeit goods;
  • Collection of evidence of the violation, as well as information about the infringer, which are sufficient for law enforcement to take action;
  • Initiation and subsequent support of raid actions carried out by law enforcement aimed at seizure of counterfeit goods from circulation and bringing the violators to responsibility.

AIS carefully develops every brand protection strategy taking into account the client’s request and the extent of the problem employing the comprehensive approach while customizing the program to address the specific needs of the client.  

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