Investigations, analytics, risk assessment

Investigations, analytics, risk assessment

Through a comprehensive analysis of information resources and databases, AIS conducts systematic and targeted research aimed at establishing channels of supply of illegal products, methods of its import and distribution, as well as their concealment. It allows for formulating the indicators of violations to be used by law enforcement, mainly by customs authorities. Such criteria make it possible to distinguish the sellers of original products from illegal suppliers, official channels and methods of importing products from smuggling routes, as well as to identify the companies engaged in illegal activities related to the circulation of infringing products.

AIS performs other market research related to the turnover of products (share analysis by type / nature of products, etc.), conducts research in various areas of business, including the volume of export-import operations (both in terms of product range and value / quantitative distribution, etc.), conducts price analysis, prepares generalizing data and formalizes the results for subsequent evaluation and use in work. All reporting is built taking into account the requirements of the client in the form established by them or according to internal AIS standards.

Statistical analysis clearly shows the change in trends and reflects the current situation in a particular area of business, as well as segmenting its results (by types of cases, categories of goods, cost indicators).

AIS monitors trade areas, markets (in large cities, constituent entities) in order to collect data and update information on the distribution of counterfeit goods on an ongoing basis and on behalf of its clients. In the course of research, our specialists and private detectives take photos and record videos, make test purchases of goods, and collect information about violators. The collected information is accumulated in reports and consolidated into the AIS client database, the analysis of which is used for further analytics and achievement of goals and objectives.

Specially trained specialists work in the AIS to detect counterfeit products. Counterfeits look like real ones and can mislead anyone. Samples and materials collected by specialists are studied and carefully checked by the Right Holders or involved expert organizations in order to avoid any doubts and confirm whether the product is genuine, counterfeit or otherwise infringing (recycled goods, goods that have not passed quality control, etc.).

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