Expert examinations and evaluations

Expert examinations and evaluations

AIS specialists and patent attorneys are non-state experts who have been trained and have special knowledge to conduct a comparative analysis (counterfeit and original) and provide an expert opinion in relation to objects of exclusive rights, the right holders of which are not AIS clients.

We carry out research on product homogeneity and confusing similarity of trademarks. The opinions provided may contain a calculation of damages caused to the right holder.

Patent attorneys establish the existence of the rights of the right holder, after which they carry out organizational measures to assess the authenticity of the product by establishing criteria for originality, if the original product itself is available, or, in the absence of a comparative sample, they use other signs from among the confidential information provided by companies involved in the protection of trademarks and / or by the right holder themself. The result of such an examination is an expert opinion on the conformity or non-conformity of the investigated product with the authentic one. The services of a patent attorney for the examination of the originality of the goods may also be needed within the framework of initiated cases, where the results of the examination are accepted by the court as a statement on the infringement of intellectual property rights and are used as grounds for filing claims.

For AIS clients, our specialists will help with the organization and conduct of an examination in a third-party independent organization.

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